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Applied Behavior Analysis Services 


ABA Services

Beyond the Individual, LLC offers comprehensive and intensive ABA (i.e. 25-40 hours/week 1:1 therapy) services for children with significant behavioral needs or developmental delays.  Services are primarily provided in the clinic-based setting but may also include telehealth and some home-and-community based services as needed and appropriate to meet treatment goals. These services are currently offered in our Coffeyville clinic.

Child talking into a microphone

Family Guidance Services

​Beyond the Individual, LLC offers a parent-implemented intervention model where a behavior analyst works directly with parents and caregivers to learn techniques to manage behavior and teach new and more adaptive skills.  Services may be provided in the office or via telehealth to allow for bug-in-the-ear coaching in the natural environment.

Eating Breafast

Focused ABA Services

Applied Behavior Analysis has been  shown to be effective in treating a variety of concerns for both children and adults when done in an ethical and appropriate manner.  Focused ABA services often range from 5-15 hours/week of intervention and focus on a specific area of concern.

Psychologist for Children

ABA Groups

Group therapies are focused on helping several individuals with similar goals work together to learn and apply skills.  Skills that are often addressed within a group format include behavioral parent training, executive functioning skills, toilet training, and social skills.  Current ABA groups and a schedule can be found on our Groups page.  

Children in Indoor Playground

Functional Behavior Assessments

Staff at Beyond the Individual work with families, schools, and facilities to conduct functional behavior assessments (FBA) with or without functional analysis (FA) of problem behaviors to inform the development of  an individualized behavioral intervention plan (BIP). We will provide training for natural supports including caregivers, educators, and staff to help decrease problem behaviors while teaching appropriate alternative behaviors.

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